Donations are exempted under Sec 80G of the income tax act No.F.NO-CIT-1/80G/M-7/2013-14
  • Help us today

    Care About People

    Extending one hand to help someone is more meaningful rather than joining two hands for prayers.
  • Become a Volunteer

    We Love All People

    Extending one hand to help someone is more meaningful rather than joining two hands for prayers.
  • Need Your Help

    Extending one hand to help someone is more meaningful rather than joining two hands for prayers.

Give Inspiration

People tend to confirm, both intentionally and unintentionally adopting the actions of others & can get inspiration from us to donate. People are more willing to give when they see generosity as part of who they are. We help to feel the emotions of the people in need.

Become a Volunteer

Becoming a volunteer makes you passionate about social cause and helps to connect with the society and make it a better place. It also keeps you mentally stimulated and provide a sense of purpose. Just giving some time from busy schedule can help many lives.

Make Donation

Donating is a selfless act. Being able to give to those in need helps you achieve a greater sense of personal satisfaction and growth, it feels good to help others. Also when your kids see you donating money, they're much more likely to adopt a giving mindset as they grow up.

What we do

We stand/live upto our motto
'Care’ is not our business where we give only when we get, it’s a beautiful feeling for someone where we give even if we dont get .....!

Make Donation

We utilise donations in the service of ailing, poor and those desperately in need.

Inspire People

We inspire people to reach out to agonized souls like physically and mentally ill.

Become a Volunteer

We volunteer to help people in need and connect to society to make it a better place.

Support Charity

Supporting charity promotes generosity and makes us realize that every bit helps.

Our Events

Welcome to Manav Seva Sahara Vikas Sanstha since 2002

Manav Seva Sahara Vikas Sanstha reaches out to many agonized souls including the physically & mentally handicapped, apart from institutions & people who are deprived of basic necessities and make it a point that they are provided with some of their requirements to some degree.
+0 Successful Projects
+0 People Impacted
+0 People Donated
0 Total Volunteers

Our Projects

Our aim is to work for the weaker sections of the society,
giving due respect to each ones religion, race & creed.

In our 16+ Years of Work, We have covered over 10 cities and have done around 7+ Collaborations.
